A page of quick answers and definitions for things relating to The Pittsburgh PC Help Desk
Also: Searches others have made using the Pgh PC Help Desk Search Engine.

Hot tip:
To quickly search this page hit CTRL+F and type in the term your looking for.

Fee, rate, cost, in home repairs or help fee = $40.00
Generally this is the rate for all services unless there is extensive travel involved.
Most often existing clients can call with quick questions for free.
I don't charge my existing clients for "quick and easy" questions.

Out of Memory error message:
Search Google for "out of memory" and look at the results at Microsoft's site.

Use the " " to denote an exact phrase in the search. This is standard procedure for most search engines.
Use Google Advanced Search with a specific phrase and a specific site.
( Notice what's in the search line and you'll understand the process. )

america online low memory - Call AOL Tech. support at 1-800-827-6364

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