Extract (unzip) metronome_exp.zip to any location you like. Open the folder and find the folder called MetronomeExp32 Open MetronomeExp32 and find MetExp32.exe Rightclick on MetExp32.exe and > Send TO > Desktop Create shortcut. So .... that shortcut now launches the metronome. Open the metronome and choose the Options Button then the Audio files tab Use the ... at the end of the first line to browse to ..\Metronome_EXP\16_bit_clicks\ and select click44_16_LOW (26).wav (or the other if you like) so the line now shows as what ever the path happens to be that you've used\Metronome_EXP\16_bit_clicks\click44_16_LOW (26).wav Hit OK at the bottom. Go back to the options tab and choose “Audio Files” (circular button) on the right of that tab. Hot OK at the bottom. That's it! Steve Karl www.sightsea.com/music/